Sabtu, 25 April 2009


Dinamika hidup menjadikan kita terkadang harus siap akan berbagai hal yang akan terjadi secara tidak terduga.Terkadang kita merasakan tangis, terkadang merasakan sedih, terkadang merasa senang gembira bahkan bisa saja kita merasakan aktualisasi diri yang begitu luar biasa.

Semua tersebut bukanlah merupakan suatu ancaman atau ketidak nyamanan bagi kita semua, akan tetapi perlulah disadari bahwa kekuatan ikhlas itu sungguhlah besar dan sangat potensial untuk dapat membuat hati kita dalam keadaan apapun dapat merasakan senang..

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Analisis SWOT


Dalam Pengelolaan dan pengembangan suatu aktifitas memerlukan suatu perencanaan strategis, yaitu suatu pola atau struktur sasaran yang saling mendukung dan melengkapi menuju ke arah tujuan yang menyeluruh. Sebagai persiapan perencanaan, agar dapat memilih dan menetapkan strategi dan sasaran sehingga tersusun program-program dan proyek-proyek yang efektif dan efisien maka diperlukan suatu analisis yang tajam dari para pegiat organisasi. Salah satu analisis yang cukup populer di kalangan pelaku organisasi adalah Analisis SWOT.

Istilah SWOTdari perkataan :

Strength (kekuatan)

Weakness (kelemahan)

Opportunities (kesempatan)

Threats (Ancaman)

Maksud dari analisis SWOT ini ialah untuk meneliti dan menentukan dalam hal manakah "lembaga":

    1. Kuat (sehingga dapat dioptimalkan )
    2. Lemah(sehingga dapat segera dibenahi)
    3. Kesempatan-kesempatan di luar (untuk dimanfaatkan)
    4. Ancaman-ancaman dari luar (untuk diantisipasi)

Tahap awal dalam menjalankan SWOT :

? Membaca/menginventarisir latar belakang

? Membaca situasi dan kondisi sekarang.


? Internal organisasi

? Object/sasaran

? Lingkungan lokal

? Lingkungan regional

Secara mudah analisis SWOT bisa dikelompokkan dalam dua kategori:

  1. Internal Lembaga yaitu menyangkut Strength dan Weakness

    Pertimbangan analisa:

    H Sarana dan Prasarana

    H Kumpulan pendapat

    H Komparasi dengan lembaga lain

    H Hasil pengamatan sendiri

    Obyek analisa :

    8 Kemampuan memimpin

    8 Jumlah dan kualitas anggota

    8 Kerapian organisasi (Struktur, AD/ART, kebijakan-kebijakan)

    8 Aturan kedisiplinan

  2. Eksternal Lembaga, yaitu menyangkut Opportunities dan Threats

Pertimbangan analisis :

8 Pengalaman kita sendiri

8 Kumpulan pendapat

8 Komparasi dengan lembaga lain

8 Pendapat para ahli

Obyek analisa :

8 Personal atau lembaga yang tengah berkuasa

8 Kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan

    • Kejadian-kejadian atau peristiwa penting yang pernah terjadi

Langkah-langkah SWOT :

i Identifikasi semua hal yang berkaitan dengan SWOT

i Tentukan Faktor penghambat dan faktor pendukung

i Tentukan alternatif-alternatif kegiatan

i Rumuskan tujuan dari masing-masing kegiatan

i Ambil keputusan yang paling prioritas

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

Ten ways to improve your interpersonal skills

Ten Ways to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

Don’t discount the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. How you are perceived by your manager and coworkers plays a large role in things as minor as your day-to-day happiness at the office and as major as the future of your career.
No matter how hard you work or how many
brilliant ideas you may have, if you can’t connect with the people who work around you, your professional life will suffer. The good news is that there are several concrete things that you can do to improve your social skills and become closer to your colleagues. All of these tools will ultimately help you succeed in today’s working world.
Try these 10 helpful tips for improving your interpersonal skills:
Smile. Few people want to be around someone who is always down in the dumps. Do your best to be friendly and upbeat with your coworkers. Maintain a positive, cheerful attitude about work and about life. Smile often. The positive energy you radiate will draw others to you.
Be appreciative. Find one positive thing about everyone you work with and let them hear it. Be generous with praise and kind words of encouragement. Say thank you when someone helps you. Make colleagues feel welcome when they call or stop by your office. If you let others know that they are appreciated, they’ll want to give you their best.
Pay attention to others. Observe what’s going on in other people’s lives. Acknowledge their happy milestones, and express concern and sympathy for difficult situations such as an illness or death. Make eye contact and address people by their first names. Ask others for their opinions.
Practice active listening. To actively listen is to demonstrate that you intend to hear and understand another’s point of view. It means restating, in your own words, what the other person has said. In this way, you know that you understood their meaning and they know that your responses are more than lip service. Your coworkers will appreciate knowing that you really do listen to what they have to say.
Bring people together. Create an environment that encourages others to work together. Treat everyone equally, and don't play favorites. Avoid talking about others behind their backs. Follow up on other people's suggestions or requests. When you make a statement or announcement, check to see that you have been understood. If folks see you as someone solid and fair, they will grow to trust you.
Resolve conflicts. Take a step beyond simply bringing people together, and become someone who resolves conflicts when they arise. Learn how to be an effective mediator. If coworkers bicker over personal or professional disagreements, arrange to sit down with both parties and help sort out their differences. By taking on such a leadership role, you will garner respect and admiration from those around you.
Communicate clearly. Pay close attention to both what you say and how you say it. A clear and effective communicator avoids misunderstandings with coworkers, collegues, and associates. Verbal eloquence projects an image of intelligence and maturity, no matter what your age. If you tend to blurt out anything that comes to mind, people won’t put much weight on your words or opinions.
Humor them. Don’t be afraid to be funny or clever. Most people are drawn to a person that can make them laugh. Use your sense of humor as an effective tool to lower barriers and gain people’s affection.
See it from their side. Empathy means being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand how they feel. Try to view situations and responses from another person’s perspective. This can be accomplished through staying in touch with your own emotions; those who are cut off from their own feelings are often unable to empathize with others.
Don't complain. There is nothing worse than a chronic complainer or whiner. If you simply have to vent about something, save it for your diary. If you must verbalize your grievances, vent to your personal friends and family, and keep it short. Spare those around you, or else you’ll get a bad reputation.

Interviewing styles

Interviewing is often just as stressfulfor the interviewer as it is for the job seeker. Knowing the different types of interviews, and why and when they aresuccessful, can help make your interviewsmore comfortable for both parties. Organizations frequently try to come up with their own style for interviews. They have a perceptionabout what interviewing can accomplish. Because of this practice, people who are looking for a job find the inconsistency in interviews, from organization to organization,hard and extremely stressful.
Screening Interviews
Interviews divide into two categories: the screening interview and the hiring or selection interview. Screening interviews are used to qualify a candidate before he or she meets with a hiring authority for possible selection. The hiring or selection interview can take on many different forms. Screening interviews are the normal process for companies to weed out candidates for a single job opportunity. These interviews are usually quick, efficient and low cost strategies that result in a short list of qualified candidates. These interviews save time and money by eliminating unqualified candidates.
If invited to a face to face screening interview, it will usually be with a third party recruiter or someone from the Human Resources department. These are considered the gatekeepers for a company. They are typically experienced and professional interviewers who are skilled at interviewing and screening candidates. These interviewersshould be effective at judging character, intelligence, and if the candidate is a good fit for the company culture. They also should be good at identifying potential red flags or problem areas in the candidate's work background and general qualifications. Some examples of screening interviews include the telephone interview, the computer interview, the videoconference interview and the structured interview.
Telephone Interviews
The telephone interview is the most common way to perform an initial screening interview. This helps the interviewer and the candidate get a general sense if they are mutually interested in pursuinga discussionbeyond the first interview. This type of interviewing also saves time and money. They may be tape recorded for the review of other interviewers. The goal, for the candidate during the phone interview,is to arrange a face to face meeting.
Computer Interviews
The computer interview involves answering a series of multiple-choice questions for a potential job interview or simply for the submission of a resume. Some of these interviews are done through the telephone or by accessing a web site. One type is done with pushing the appropriate buttons on the telephone for the answer you are submitting. Wal-Mart uses this method for screening cashiers, stockers, and customer service representatives.
Another type of computer interviewis provided by accessing a website while using a computer keyboard and a mouse. Lowes Home Improvement uses this type of screening. Some of the questions on both of these types of interviews are related to ethics. As an example,"If you see a fellow co-worker take a candy bar and eat it, do you a. Confront co-worker, b. Tell the supervisor, c. Do nothing."
Video Interviews
Videophone and Video Conferencing interviews provide the transfer of audio and video between remote sites. More than half of the largest U.S. companies already utilize videoconferencing. It is a convenient communication method and an alternative to the more costly face-to-face meetings. Anyone, anywhere in the world can perform videoconferencing with the use of a microphone, camera and compatible software. Videoconferencing is available on the Internet. Its continual drop in cost is making it a popular resource for businesses as well as for home use.

Looks about video interviews for job seeker

Seminar Entrepreneurship or Career

Sangat menarik seminar yang diadakan oleh senat mahasiswa universitas atma jaya.Dari mulai pembicara yang sudah memang pakarnya dalam bidang yang memang akan dibicarakan sampai harga tiket yang lumayan terjangkau.Bagaiamana tidak menarik dengan hanya merogoh kocek sebesar 35rb perak, kita sudah bisa mendapatkan sharing ilmu dan wawasan dari seorang Bob Sadino, Pak Hartono dari Direktur HRD Astra Internasional dan pengarang buku Tulang Miskin yaitu Pak Joseph Landri yang juga selaku dosen aktif di universitas atma jaya.

Awal cerita saya selaku manager public relation HIMME BINUS mendapat undangan dari senat mahasiswa universitas atma jaya untuk menghadiri seminar tersebut secara gratis.Saya hadir kedalam seminar tersebut bersama 2 rekan saya lainnya yaitu debora dan aldi.Singkat cerita akhirnya saya dan 2 orang rekan saya menghadiri seminar tersebut..

Akan tetapi sedikit kekecewaan ketika panitia acara tersebut mengumumkan bahwa Bob sadino sang Entrepreneur sejati tidak dapat hadir dikarenakan sedang sakit..Pada awalnya saya sangat kecewa dengan kenyataan tersebut, akan tetapi saya mulai kembali bersemangat dan more spirit again ketika saya tau ternyata sang dosen atma jaya "Joseph Landri" memberikan banyak masukan mengenai berkarier,Willing To do more itu salah satu yang saya dapat disana,dan juga saya mempelajari bahwa untuk mencapai puncak impian kita harus memimpikan sesuatu yang berada satu tingkat lebih baik diatas kita.

Sulthon Aulia

Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur

I first heard the term Intrapreneur from Guy Kawasaki and its something that has stuck in my head ever since. The term has been around for a very long time and simply represents:

The spirit of entrepreneurship within an existing organization.

Intrapreneur is a person who focuses on innovation and creativity and who transforms a dream or an idea into a profitable venture, by operating within the organizational environment. Thus, Intrapreneurs are Inside entrepreneurs….

Before I took my new job, I thought a lot about doing my own startup or joining others just starting our on their own. I’ve long had the entrepreneurial bug and I wondered if this was the right time.

This new job I’ve taken within Yahoo allows me to be entrepreneurial within a large company. It’s my startup within this 10,000+ people company. And, while I was thinking it through, I realized that I had long been an “Intrapreneur”. Over my career, I’ve worked a number of startups and a few big companies. Everytime I worked at big companies, I always found a way to go a bit against the grain to make interesting things into reality.

As an intrapreneur here at Yahoo, I made the biggest business impact of my career (so far). I took over Yahoo Search just as the .com crash was hitting Yahoo. I inherited a business that was making 1/2 of what it made the previous year and each month it got worse. At that time, the prevailing thought was that we should change Yahoo Search to ONLY search the Yahoo Directory and make money by forcing all websites in the directory to pay us an annual fee. I thought this was a very bad idea (duh). So, I got to work with the help of some amazing people and laid out the argument for why full web search with sponsored listings was the way to go. At an exec offsite in Sonoma, I showed exactly how we were going to make it happen, and that we could do it in only a few months. Terry had just joined and realized that there was something to what I was saying and gave me and my team the chance to do it (oh, and he gave us some of the brightest people to help). It was was extremely fun to make this 3,000 person company see things a bit differently and move quickly to re-make itself after the downturn. You all know how that business has turned out for Yahoo and I’m happy to say that the intrapreneurial spirit made that happen.

More recently, I had the chance again to work for change within the company. Early on, people in the company had said “you really ought to look at RSS”. In fact, one of the best My Yahoo engineers had already built a My Yahoo RSS reader on his own time. RSS wasn’t well known at the time (very few newspapers or sites had feeds) but we knew it could be really big. There were a LOT of people in the company who still felt that we should be a walled garden and that doing this would kill our media business. So we quickly (in three months) created a scaleable RSS platform for Yahoo and shipped it (Jan 2004). We purposely kept it hidden and just let it leak out to the blogosphere. The growth was tremendous - users and traffic grew in multiples every month. It grew so fast that we got the nerve up to go ask major papers & sites to start publishing RSS (Newsweek, Time, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal all launched in July of that year, and all with some form of “Add to My Yahoo” buttons). And like any entrepreneurial group, we realized that we were onto something, so we redesigned My Yahoo around RSS, and by that time, the company had caught up and realized it would help Yahoo for us to fully embrace RSS.

Now I have a new job. In this job, I get to play with new ideas every day and look at how to use that entreprenuerial spirit to do some exciting things, learn about new things, and find the next big ideas. I know I’m up for the challenge.


9 Penyebab Ketakutan Berbicara di Depan Umum

Hampir kebanyakan orang yang pernah merasakan berbicara didepan umum,
pasti pernah mengalami ketakutan. Keringat dingin, gelisah, selalu merasa
ingin ke toilet adalah sebagian refleksi dari rasa ketakutan tersebut.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ada 9 penyebab ketakutan yang signifikan ketika
berbicara didepan umum :

1. Takut akan gagal, ingin selalu sukses dan takut gagal malah
kadangkala membuat ketakutan itu semakin besar.

2. Tidak ada rasa percaya diri, merasa diri tidak mampu untuk
melakukan hal tersebut.

3. Traumatis, memiliki rasa takut dan merasa sendirian ketika
berdiri di panggung dan semua mata melihat padanya.

4. Takut dinilai/dihakimi, hal ini terjadi karena adanya perasaan
takut ketika banyak orang membicarakan dirinya atau pendapatnya.

5. Terlalu perfeksionis, perfeksionis baik, tetapi terlalu
perfeksionis dan berharap terlalu banyak pada dirinya sendiri malah membuat efek

6. Takut akan orang banyak, merasa tidak nyaman dan tidak percaya
diri ketika berbicara di depan puluhan, ratusan atau ribuan orang.

7. Kurangnya persiapan, persiapan yang minim membuat rasa takut
untuk berbicara di cepan umum ini semakin menjadi-jadi.

8. Stress, menghindari stress ketika berbicara di depan umum.

9. Blank, takut tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, apa yang
harus dibicarakan ketika berbicara didepan umum.

Semua penyebab ketakutan diatas harus diatasi, pahamilah bahwa semua
orang mengalaminya bahkan pembicara hebatpun pasti pernah mengalaminya.
So…kenali dan taklukan penyebab rasa takutmu.