Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

Interviewing styles

Interviewing is often just as stressfulfor the interviewer as it is for the job seeker. Knowing the different types of interviews, and why and when they aresuccessful, can help make your interviewsmore comfortable for both parties. Organizations frequently try to come up with their own style for interviews. They have a perceptionabout what interviewing can accomplish. Because of this practice, people who are looking for a job find the inconsistency in interviews, from organization to organization,hard and extremely stressful.
Screening Interviews
Interviews divide into two categories: the screening interview and the hiring or selection interview. Screening interviews are used to qualify a candidate before he or she meets with a hiring authority for possible selection. The hiring or selection interview can take on many different forms. Screening interviews are the normal process for companies to weed out candidates for a single job opportunity. These interviews are usually quick, efficient and low cost strategies that result in a short list of qualified candidates. These interviews save time and money by eliminating unqualified candidates.
If invited to a face to face screening interview, it will usually be with a third party recruiter or someone from the Human Resources department. These are considered the gatekeepers for a company. They are typically experienced and professional interviewers who are skilled at interviewing and screening candidates. These interviewersshould be effective at judging character, intelligence, and if the candidate is a good fit for the company culture. They also should be good at identifying potential red flags or problem areas in the candidate's work background and general qualifications. Some examples of screening interviews include the telephone interview, the computer interview, the videoconference interview and the structured interview.
Telephone Interviews
The telephone interview is the most common way to perform an initial screening interview. This helps the interviewer and the candidate get a general sense if they are mutually interested in pursuinga discussionbeyond the first interview. This type of interviewing also saves time and money. They may be tape recorded for the review of other interviewers. The goal, for the candidate during the phone interview,is to arrange a face to face meeting.
Computer Interviews
The computer interview involves answering a series of multiple-choice questions for a potential job interview or simply for the submission of a resume. Some of these interviews are done through the telephone or by accessing a web site. One type is done with pushing the appropriate buttons on the telephone for the answer you are submitting. Wal-Mart uses this method for screening cashiers, stockers, and customer service representatives.
Another type of computer interviewis provided by accessing a website while using a computer keyboard and a mouse. Lowes Home Improvement uses this type of screening. Some of the questions on both of these types of interviews are related to ethics. As an example,"If you see a fellow co-worker take a candy bar and eat it, do you a. Confront co-worker, b. Tell the supervisor, c. Do nothing."
Video Interviews
Videophone and Video Conferencing interviews provide the transfer of audio and video between remote sites. More than half of the largest U.S. companies already utilize videoconferencing. It is a convenient communication method and an alternative to the more costly face-to-face meetings. Anyone, anywhere in the world can perform videoconferencing with the use of a microphone, camera and compatible software. Videoconferencing is available on the Internet. Its continual drop in cost is making it a popular resource for businesses as well as for home use.

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9 Penyebab Ketakutan Berbicara di Depan Umum

Hampir kebanyakan orang yang pernah merasakan berbicara didepan umum,
pasti pernah mengalami ketakutan. Keringat dingin, gelisah, selalu merasa
ingin ke toilet adalah sebagian refleksi dari rasa ketakutan tersebut.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ada 9 penyebab ketakutan yang signifikan ketika
berbicara didepan umum :

1. Takut akan gagal, ingin selalu sukses dan takut gagal malah
kadangkala membuat ketakutan itu semakin besar.

2. Tidak ada rasa percaya diri, merasa diri tidak mampu untuk
melakukan hal tersebut.

3. Traumatis, memiliki rasa takut dan merasa sendirian ketika
berdiri di panggung dan semua mata melihat padanya.

4. Takut dinilai/dihakimi, hal ini terjadi karena adanya perasaan
takut ketika banyak orang membicarakan dirinya atau pendapatnya.

5. Terlalu perfeksionis, perfeksionis baik, tetapi terlalu
perfeksionis dan berharap terlalu banyak pada dirinya sendiri malah membuat efek

6. Takut akan orang banyak, merasa tidak nyaman dan tidak percaya
diri ketika berbicara di depan puluhan, ratusan atau ribuan orang.

7. Kurangnya persiapan, persiapan yang minim membuat rasa takut
untuk berbicara di cepan umum ini semakin menjadi-jadi.

8. Stress, menghindari stress ketika berbicara di depan umum.

9. Blank, takut tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, apa yang
harus dibicarakan ketika berbicara didepan umum.

Semua penyebab ketakutan diatas harus diatasi, pahamilah bahwa semua
orang mengalaminya bahkan pembicara hebatpun pasti pernah mengalaminya.
So…kenali dan taklukan penyebab rasa takutmu.